Every year we receive many inquiries about this super special gathering. Here are a few:
I'm not a Black Muslim. Can I attend BMPC? Will I take up space? What if I say/do the wrong thing?
I'm not a mental health professional [psychologist, social worker. etc] or an academic person, can I attend BMPC?
Why focus on Black Muslims? Why not a psychology conference Muslims of ALL backgrounds?
Is this conference just for AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSLIMS?
I can’t afford the registration - is there a discount available? Can I come for free if I’m only going to stay for one day?
This sounds like an awesome conference. Will it be recorded or live-streamed?
I would love to attend HOMEPLACE: BMPC2024 Summer Social. Does my conference registration include this event?
Reach out to us with any questions YOU may have! And share these with a friend, click here