...A Place Where A Soul Can Rest
BMPC2024: Longing for Home... A Place Where A Soul Can Rest explores the multifaceted intersections of belonging, home, migration [voluntary or forced], and identity. Our discussions invite a deep and soulful exploration of HOME & HIJRA, and of LONGING. It delves into the concept of home as a physical space, a cultural anchor, and an emotional sanctuary; invites critical examination and appreciation of intentional community building and striving for sovereignty; acknowledges feelings of grief and nostalgia associated with the dispossession of Black/African people due to climate crises, gentrification, political instability.
Alhamdulillah, we are approaching our 9th year of organizing a one of kind experience centering Black Muslims and healing and WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US AS A PRESENTER! This is a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for scholarly presentations, interactive workshops, panel discussions, posters, or artistic/creative performances that engage this theme.
At BMPC, we use and understand the term "psychology" in a broad sense - a term that includes overall mental health, emotional wellness, and spiritual fortitude. Therefore, we welcome and encourage submissions from participants with a range of backgrounds: psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other mental health clinicians, but also artists, writers, historians, sociologists, Imams, chaplains and spiritual leaders, community workers and activists. We are particularly interested in proposals which fall in one (1) of four (4) broad categories:
Religious Leadership and Development
Youth and Emerging Adulthood
Health and Healing
Art, Culture & Activism
Proposals must include a 500-word abstract or summary of the content you would like to present, and must directly address at least one aspect of the conference theme in order to be eligible for inclusion in the program. Please review the PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GUIDE for detailed suggestions on how to submit a winning proposal. Questions, requests for additional information, and other inquiries should be sent to info@blackmuslimpsychology.org.
2024 Call for Proposals

“...The idea of place, where we belong, is a constant subject.. we want to know whether it is possible to live on the earth peacefully... African Americans have a long history of struggling to stand as subjects in a place where the dehumanizing impact of racism works continually to make us objects."
-bell hooks
2024 Call for Proposals
In bell hooks' Belonging: A Culture of Place [2009, Chapter 13: A Place Where A Soul Can Rest] she uses the metaphor of the porch as a place or site of resistance to dehumanization. At MWF and BMPC, we argue that these places - porches or otherwise resistant and nourishing spaces - are keys to mitigating the harm caused by the violence of anti-black racism as well as religious marginalization. Black Muslims cultivate “places where our souls can rest” and this cultivation leads to collective well-being and fortification. This year, our discussions invite a deep and soulful exploration of HOME & HIJRA, and of LONGING.
Longing for Home delves into the concept of home as a physical space, a cultural anchor, and an emotional sanctuary.
Longing for Home invites critical examination and appreciation of intentional African American communities in the US and West Africa (for example Medina Baye in Senegal) to migration of African descended people to Europe and North America (countries of former colonizers).
Longing for Home acknowledges feelings of grief and nostalgia associated with the dispossession of Black/African people due to climate crises, gentrification, political instability.
At BMPC2024, we will explore these questions:
In our pursuit of knowledge of the past - how do we gather, preserve and embrace our personal and collective stories of migration, identity, belonging, and rootedness?
How do we challenge ourselves to think deeply about who we are, who we are becoming, the wounds we are carrying, the spiritual fortitude we possess, and the values we are striving towards to imagine and cultivate a healthy future?
Sankofa comes from the Akan/West African proverb: Se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenkyiri - It is not wrong to go back for what you have forgotten (or left behind). As we look forward towards an uncertain, yet potentially abundant future - what must remember and bring with us in order to thrive?
2024 Call for Proposals
2024 Call for Proposals
Black Muslim Psychology’s approach is informed by the model of Appreciative Inquiry (AI), which is rooted in positive psychology. It is premised on the underlying assumption that people, communities and organizations are full of assets, capabilities, resources, and strengths that can be located, affirmed, leveraged, and encouraged. The Appreciative Inquiry model is structured on four stages or processes:
1) Discovery: What gives life? Appreciating the best of what is
2) Dream: What might be? Envisioning what the world is calling for
3) Design: What should be? Co-creating the ideal strategies and pathways to build the dream
4) Destiny: What will be? Collective purpose to sustain the vision for the future
2024 Call for Proposals

2024 Call for Proposals
While all ideas are welcome at BMPC, we in particular seek proposals on topics guided by a BLACK MUSLIM Appreciative Inquiry perspective, and fall under one (1) of four (4) broad categories:
Religious Leadership and Development
Youth and Emerging Adulthood
Health and Healing
Art, Culture & Activism
Potential Topics:
Guided by the Black Muslim appreciative inquiry approach, potential presenters may consider submitting a proposal addressing one or more of the questions (though not limited to) below:
2024 Call for Proposals
How do we continue to build “places where our souls can rest” despite the barrage of violence and discrimination?
What are the under-explored histories of innovation and genius in Black Muslim communities with respect to placemaking, belonging and identity?
What are Black Muslim creative expressions (Arts, Fashion, Cuisine, etc.) which signal rootedness and identity?
In what ways have our religious teachings and spiritual practices inspired movement towards freedom, sovereignty and justice in our communities?
In this exciting future, how are believers engaged in community life and actively cultivating a healthy sense of home and belonging?
Calls for liberation and freedom dreams in Black Muslim communities
How can the inheritance and legacies of our Black/Muslim predecessors inspire positive change?
How can we imagine inclusive models of community building and change?
Spotlighting existing artistic expressions, organizations, communities, and individuals who are engaged in "freedom dreams" and identifying their paths for success
Organizational models that encourage creativity and imagination
Exploring the role of technology in realizing aspirations for individual and communal uplift
Each one, teach one: crafting systems of mentorship, apprenticeship, and intergenerational growth
Creating sanctuary in our religious spaces
Leadership development and succession planning
Cultivating healthy families
Confronting climate change and the development of environmentally sound spiritual practices
2024 Call for Proposals
2024 Call for Proposals
Before you submit a proposal, PLEASE REVIEW THE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GUIDE for detailed suggestions on how to submit a winning proposal. This comprehensive guide explains the types of proposals we are seeking, what should be included in the abstract (including learning objectives) and other pertinent details.
Please complete the required information on the submission form and submit no later than April 26, 2024 | 11:59PM CST, to be considered for this year's conference. Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis so we encourage you to submit your proposal as early as possible. You will be notified via email if your proposal has been accepted or not. Please make sure the email address you provide is correct and up-to-date.
You will be notified via email if your proposal has been accepted or not. Please make sure the email address you provide is correct and up-to-date.
Please note: honoraria or stipends are not offered for selected presenters; all presenters must pay for [reduced] registration and will be responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses.
All presenters are expected to confirm attendance at the conference and register by this date. Accepted presenters will receive a 15% discount off the registration fee.
If accepted speakers do not register prior to this date, regular registration costs will apply.
We are thrilled to have so many wonderful folks joining us once again for this special gathering!
2024 Call for Proposals